Ride in the 2020 Muses Parade! Ride Spot Auction is Live
Looking for a riding spot for yourself or a friend? This is your chance to ride in the parade and donate to a good cause at the same time!
This auction item is an opportunity for a woman (over age 18) to ride in the 2020 Krewe of Muses Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020 during our 20th anniversary ride. The proceeds of this auction will go to the following worthy charity: 504 Queens.
The auctioned item includes the ride plus a costume, mask, entry to the riding member-only pre-party beginning at 2 p.m. and post-parade aMUSEment party featuring live music and free drinks and food, plus a small package of cups to throw (not enough for the ride). Additional throws, which cost approximately $1,000, must be purchased separately.
The 504 Queens is a New Orleans African American women’s empowerment group whose good works came to the nation’s attention after they became the victims of discrimination while attending a showing of the movie “Harriet” on November 3, 2019. Rather than focus on themselves, they used that opportunity to provide for others. The proceeds of this ride auction will provide additional funds to enable this non-profit organization to assist women and children in need in their communities.
Click here to go directly to the auction. Bidding ends on Wednesday, January 22nd at 8:00 pm CST. And please let your non-Muse friends know about this fabulous opportunity!
For tax purposes, the Krewe of Muses values this item at $900. Any excess amount paid may be tax-deductible. However, you should consult your tax professional.