2022 Let it Ride — Muses '21 or Bust
Welcome to the 21st procession of the Krewe of Muses parade.
Be looking for those amazing Muses throws. Some highlights to try to catch this year include many reMUSEables like Thomas Mann-designed pendants custom-made and locally made for Muses, True Blue Krewe Muses nail polish locally made in a non-breakable bottle, Muses hand sanitizer locally made in Roulaison Rum barrels, locally produced cotton tote bags, Muses custom playing cards, the return of Muses cocktail napkins, Rubber Ducky Bike Lights, Light up shoe, shoe necklaces you can string together like fairy light to adorn your home, a Muses Fan, Muses Key rings on metal ball chains, conveniently prelabeled for your SKELETON CLOSET, WIG ARMOIRE, DUCK FLOAT, COSTUME TRUNK, SHOE VAULT, MARDI GRAS CRASH PAD, QUEEN’S ROOM, and GLITTERAGE, items on lobster claws to be easily removed and reused after carnival season, and much more will be thrown.
Also look for Muses Cups designed by Taylor Morris, a 2019 graduate of InspireNOLA, Edna Carr’s Art Program. Taylor’s winning design appears of 80,000 cups being thrown tonight and she won $1,000 donation for her school art program from the Krewe of Muses.
- Lady Godiva Riding Club
- Big Easy Roller Girls
- Band – St Augustine High School
- Walking Shoes and Butterflies
- Goddessey Walking Peach Lanterns
Float 1 - Goddessey
Carnival’s most beautiful float on a journey to inspire. Widely known as patrons of the arts, Muses are truly patrons of knowledge. Muses are illuminated in silhouette because the focus is not on themselves but on what they inspire.
- L. B. Landry High School Marching Band
Float 2 - Honorary Muse 2022: Swin Cash
Leading our procession in high style is Honorary Muse 2022: Swin Cash, Vice President of the New Orleans Pelicans. A true inspiration, Swin Cash is one of the most decorated women in all professional sports, as well as a dedicated philanthropist.
- Flambeaux
- Band - John F. Kennedy High School
Float 3 - Happy Are They Whom the Muses Love
- Band – Helen Cox High School
Float 4 - Mt. Olympus Brass Band (Coolbone)
- Band – Edna Karr High School Marching Band
Float 5 - The Bathing Muses
Here come the bathing Muses, bubbling over with excitement and good clean fun!
Float 6 - Mama Duck & Duckies
Make way for Muses’ Mama Duck and Baby Duckies, whose riders have their own special throw not found on any other float! Quack loudly ‘Throw me something sister!’
- Band – McDonogh 35 Senior High School Marching Band
Float 7 - Title Float: Let It Ride: 21 or Bust
The Krewe of Muses took a gamble in 2021 for their Blackjack 21st year and, as we expected, busted. They weren’t really banking on 2021.
Now for 2022 the Muses have taken another shot and are going to Let It Ride!
- Band – Carmouche Performing Arts Academy
Float 8 - Molly Marines Chapter LA-1, Women Marines Association
- Band – Eleanor McMain
Float 9 – Busted on 21 – The House Wins!
So, Muses were busted in ‘21 and last year the House definitely won. House floats popped up all over New Orleans, keeping Mardi Gras spirit afloat!
Never before did so many folks pretend their homes were on wheels!
- Band – Martin Luther King Charter School
Float 10 - Gambling on Mardi Gras – Gods Playing Poker
You’ve seen Dogs Playing Poker – this is Gods Playing Poker. But Bacchus is drunk, Morpheus is asleep, Orpheus, Iris and Zulu are ready to ante up. And Muses has a full house and is playing the woman card. You can’t be that!
- Band – G. W. Carver
Float 11 - Beginners’ Luck
Every Mardi Gras…signs by the thousands claiming virginal status. My first Mardi Gras. My First Parade. Never caught a shoe. And how many birthdays just happen to be today?
It all looks like a game of liar’s poker!
- Band – Abramson Sci Academy
Float 12 - Hit the Jackpot
We know what everyone wants to do…they want to hit the jackpot. Forget BAR BAR BAR . You want SHOE SHOE SHOE! Mamma needs a glitter shoe!
- Band – Livingston
Float 13 - Shoot the Moon
What’s that up in the sky? Rich dudes in spaaaaaaace - billionaires actually - or is that just Blue Organ – I mean Blue Origin? They are racing for the moon and ready to plant their flag and establish their first celestial distribution center.
- Band - Walter L. Cohen High School
This feels space forced!
Float 14 - Quit While You’re a Head
You may have heard on the hundreds of hours of unnecessary Fox News coverage that Mr. Potato Head was being canceled by the left wing in an anti-American plot to destroy the family unit. Maybe Hasbro should have quit while they were a Head!
Don’t be outfoxed by stupidity.
- Band – Booker T Washington High School
Float 15 - All You Can’t Eat Buffet
Belly on up to this bacterial buffet, offering a smorgasbord of toxic treats like Norovirus Nachos, Salmonella Sushi rolls, Brucella bruschetta, Covid Carbonara, Listeria lettuce wraps, pasta staphylococcus and e coli jello.
Buffets have always been a great deal but maybe not such a good idea. May we suggest that you don’t get the crabs.
- Band – Kipp Leadership Academy
Float 16 - Crapped Out
Yo! There’s no front-line winner in our craps game…because our pipes are all crapped out. We’re deep in the hole on this one - all over town as our ancient sewerage system has seen its day. Clean water is just a pipe dream, and a leaded one at that.
But we’re banking on the next float to bail us out of years of the Sewerage & Water Board’s bad bets.
- Band – ISL High Steppers and Circus Arts Kids
Float 17 - Make it Rain!
We’ve been waiting for those infrastructure dollars to come pouring down on our fair city and now, thanks to some friends in DC like Cedric and our shiny Mitch, Mr. President is going to Make It Rain on New Orleans. And it’s Teedy’s turn to catch the cash for our streets, pipes and pumps. Hey Uncle Joe! Show us the Money and Make it Rain Cash Money on NOLA!
- Marching Unit – Camel Toe Lady Steppers
Float 18 - Powerless Ball
It’s been a dark year in New Orleans….and this darkness has been brought to you by Entergy. We power life? More like we power strife.
the powerless ball numbers are…
11 days without power after Hurricane Ida
6 rolling blackouts across New Orleans
532 dollars worth of frozen food in the trash
- Marching Unit – Pussyfooter
Float 19 - Louisiana Rat Pack Lounge
Appearing nightly in your backyard, it’s Sammy Possum Jr., Dean Martrat and Frank Sinutria! Our own Louisiana Rat Pack. Grab a martini and enjoy the show!
- Marching Unit – Bearded Oysters
Float 20 - Talk About a Trash Hand
That’s one hell of a discard pile. And we’ve been holding that trash hand for months. It’s a long haul and even that alligator thinks the situation stinks.
- Marching Unit – Rolling Elvi
Float 21 - Dealer’s Choice
You wake up each morning and reach for your phone…’doomscrolling’ the news feed – an overwhelming mix of politics, wars, riots, storms, conspiracy theories, and variants. Call for Dealer’s Choice – just to make it go away.
- Marching Unit – Dead Rock Stars
Float 22 - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Muses are not just saying this because they are New Orleans girls and, while they may be a little biased, they know who won the chicken sandwich wars. Popeyes has the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. But an hour wait? Just my cluck!
- Rolling Unit – Laissez Boys
Float 23 - May the Odds be Forever In Our Favor
The emperor has arrived at the Dome and we’re hoping he will shift the odds on the Saints 2022 season in our favor. We may even bet on it! This float suggests a few other odds to bet on…like odds of Sean Payton staying retired. And maybe soon we’ll understand all these sports betting apps.
In Whomus Datus!
- Marching Unit – Sassyracs
Float 24 - The Only Game in Town
Welcome to the Times-Picayune Hotel & Casino. You want to work here? Or maybe at the Gambit buffet? Or the NOLA café?? You’d better see our host John “Bugsy” Georges, because he’s a big shot, a high roller! He’s running the only game in town, and he’s the boss!
(Yeah, don’t mention the video poker or cigarette machines. Mr. Georges – he don’t like that.)
- Marching Unit - Jamettes
Float 25 - Full House Flush with Diamonds
It looks like there’s a full house at the foot of Canal Street and it’s flush with diamonds, because this is where the high rollers come to play. If you‘re looking for penny slots may we suggest you look elsewhere. The crème de la crème of New Orleans have taken up residence and Bill Gates has even invested. Sounds like a pretty good bet.
- Marching Unit – Nola Cherry Bombs
Float 26 - Sweeten the Pot
If you ever needed to get stoned, this was the year. And if a group of (mostly) guys ever needed to loosen up and chill out, it’s the Louisiana Legislature. Dude, where’s my bill?
- Marching Unit – Sisterhood of the Fishy Pusses
Float 27 - Talk about a Hard Six
Six feet apart, that’s so 2020. Then along came vaccinations, and the vaxxed and waxed zoomed back to dating. Seems we went from feet to inches. Welcome to Pair-A-Dice. You game?
- Marching Unit – Les Bonnes Vivantes
Float 28 - It’s a Long Shot
I was talking to Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s fiancé about how she had to cancel the wedding due to - uh - reaction to the shot – well, you heard about that. And my brother’s college roommate’s sister had spoons stick to her arm right where the shot went in! And I heard that guy is putting microchips in to track you and take over your brain, but also they are rebooting the Matrix and if you don’t get it you will be released like Neo. I heard it from a friend who heard it from JFK Jr. who is still alive and attending rallies. You think it’s not true? It could be true. It’s a long shot.
- Marching Unit - Bloco Sereia
Float 29 - Karen Keno
Karen’s not much of a gambler. In fact, she feels it is her constitutional right to tell you what she wants and how she wants it! And if she wants to win – well dammit you had better let her win or she will call the manager and tell her husband! Do you even know who you’re dealing with? She’s Karen! Yes – that one - Karen!
Oh and Karen demands a shoe and she’ll put her ladder wherever she wants! She’s an American!
- Marching Unit – Skin-N-Bonez
Float 30 - Sirens
The Sirens, cast out by the Muses, wrap up the parade each year.
Happy Are They Whom the Muses Love!