2023 Krewe of Muses — Goodnight Muse
Muses tHERsday, February 16, 2023
The Line-up for the 2023 Krewe of Muses Parade is as follows:
- WDSU – Parade Tracker
- WWL – Parade Tracker
- Sky-Tracker – Muses Balloon
- Horse Unit – Lady Godiva Riding Club
- Marching Unit – Big Easy Roller Girls
- Band – St Augustine High School - Lead by Band Director Mr Ray Johnson
- Marching Unit – Walking Shoes and Butterflies

Float 1 – The Goddessey
Widely known as patrons of the arts, Muses are truly patrons of knowledge. And you can’t have knowledge without illumination. This float is all about illumination — the nine Muses are depicted in silhouette because the focus is not on them, but on what they inspire.
- Band – B. Landry High School Marching Band – Lead by Band Director Mr. Wilbert Rawlins

Float 2 – Shoe: Honorary Muse 2023 – Irma Thomas
For 2023, the Muses Shoe carries Honorary Muse and the Soul Queen of New Orleans, Grammy Award-winning blues and gospel singer Irma Thomas! This Muses tHERsday she is the Sole Queen of the Krewe of Muses.
- Flambeaux (30)
- Band – John F. Kennedy High School – Lead by Band Director Mr Keith Thomas
Float 3 – Mt. Olympus Brass Band (Coolbone)
- Band – Helen Cox High School – Lead by Band Director Mr Lonzie Jackson
Float 4 – Happy Are They Whom The Muses Love
- Band – Edna Karr High School Marching Band – Lead by Mr Christopher Herrero
Float 5 – Molly Marines Chapter LA-1, Women Marines Association
- Band – McDonogh 35 Senior High School Marching Band – Lead by Mr Felix Lewis

Float 6 – Title: 2023 – Goodnight Muse
On a THERsday night There was a great parade
With a white balloon
Full of light
And a group of Butteries in flight
And there were six shoes
Dancing in twos
And four ducks rub-a-dub
Right behind a bathtub
And some laissez-boys
Riding expensive toys
And a red shoe float
And a peachy boat
And a siren or three
And bands playing with glee
And dead rock stars resurrected miraculously
And riders from the Muses krewe
Drinking lots of Muses brew
And happy revelers chanting "SHOE!"
- Band – Martin Luther King Charter School – Lead by Mr Charles Brooks
Float 7 – The Bath Time!
Hey, hey, what do you say?
It’s time to take a bath today!
These bathing beauties ride every year
They’re not shy—they’re glad you’re here!
- Rolling Group – Vivant les Bon
- Band – Katherine Drexel – Lead by Morgan Stewart

Float 8 – Make Way for Ducklings
Mamma Duck knows all about bringing up children. When she heard the Muses were rolling she said “Come along children, follow me...to the Muses parade!” And along they all went. The whole city is going to make way for these ducklings.
- Band – Booker T. Washington School – Lead by Mr Michael Johnson

Float 9 – The Little Engine that Could do Donuts
Chug, Chug, Chug! Squeal squeal squeal! Screech, screech, screech! The Little Engine broke away from the train to do a show for the crowd. He was a badass little engine. You can see his skid marks in the street and spot his antics on TikTok. If you listen carefully, above the noise you can hear him chant...“I don’t think laws apply to me. I don’t think laws apply to me. I don’t think laws apply to me...
- Band – Abramson Sci Academy – Lead by Johnnie Van Burren

Float 10 – Where The Wild Things Are
The nights Max wears his wolf suit, he heads downtown to make mischief of one kind or another. He will party through the night and day, Where the Wild Things Are...A private dance, bright green beverages, and swinging from the balconies, great big wild things that threaten to ‘eat you up’. It all seems normal on Bourbon Street. Go ahead and roar your terrible roars, gnash your terrible teeth, roll your terrible eyes, show your terrible claws. Let the wild rumpus start.
- Band – Walter L. Cohen High School – Lead by Mr David Wallace

Float 11 – Cloudy with a Chance of Snoballs
Grandpa says the weather in Chewandswallow has nothing on New Orleans. It may have rained meatballs there, but long ago it rained snoballs. People had to catch them quickly before they melted. And did Hurricane Crawfish Monica leave a huge mess for the Sanitation Department! You can only imagine the smell when garbage pick-up took several weeks.
- Band – Livingston Collegiate Academy – Lead by Mr Dedric Jones

Float 12 – Llama Llama Insta Trauma
Llama Llama red pajama reads a story with his Mama.
Mama kisses baby’s hair. Mama Llama goes downstairs.
In his room, all alone, Baby Llama grabs his phone.
Instagram filters give him a complex and did he just get DM’ed a naked text?
Mama Llama’s at the sink. Baby Llama needs a shrink!
- Band – Eleanor McMain High School – Lead by Mr Herman Halphen

Float 13 – Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Float
The tractor driver has asked us to make sure the pigeon doesn’t drive the float. The pigeon says he’s a good driver. The pigeon says he has driven a tractor before. The pigeon says he has a category D commercial Louisiana license. Vroom Vroom Vroom. The pigeon really really wants to drive that float. It’s just a float and he has dreams, you know.
- Band – Fredrick A Douglass High School – Lead by Jordan Harper

Float 14 – Where the Sidewalk Ends and Construction Begins
There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And construction begins
And there the detours will take you far
And the holes will surely break your car
And chances are you’ll need to be towed
All because another project slowed
The place where the sidewalk ends and construction begins
- Band – Alice Harte (Heart Beat of the South) – Lead by Christopher Arce

Float 15 – The Velveteen Nutria
There once was a boy who had an adorable furry rodent with long orange teeth. It escaped during a storm and started eating all the marsh grass it could t in its belly. It had lots and lots of babies and they all ate so much marsh grass, until the whole state started to wash away. One night a fairy appeared out of a flower, just as the nutria was about to take a big bite. The fairy said, “I have an idea that will make little boys and girls very happy,” and turned all the nutria into velveteen stuffed animals. And everyone, except the nutria, lived happily ever after.
- Band – Kipp Collegiate Atlanta (Sounds of Royalty) – Lead by Arthur Washington
- Marching Unit – High Steppers and ISL Circus Arts Kids

Float 16 – The Very Little Prince
It’s a different world...a purple, green and gold sugar-coated galaxy, and here we have our own Little Prince in every King Cake. It is a sweet and wonderful place. Just be careful where you bite.
- Rolling Unit – Laissez Boys

Float 17 –The Day the Red & Blue Crayons Quit
Dear Duncan,
Blue and Red crayons here! We’ve teamed up. Yes, you heard us! We’ve teamed up. We are EXHAUSTED. Oh that damn map of the United States! We have drawn it so many times. States, cities, counties, districts. And don’t get us started on Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada and Georgia! Do you have any idea how tired we are of drawing GEORGIA?! We are worn down to our nubs. We quit. How about you give purple a chance? Peace out!
Waxingly yours,
The Blue and Red Crayons
- Marching unit – Camel Toe Lady Steppers

Float 18 – The Adventure of Captain Underwire
Bra – laa – laaaaaa!
It’s time for the Adventures of Captain Underwire! She lifts! She separates! She uses simple (but painful) wires to help women put their best girls forward. She is a true Super-shero!
- Marching Unit – Pussyfooters

Float 19 – The Very Hungry Councilpillar
By the light of the moon in the Crescent City some Council-pillars were born, and they were very hungry. They ate up the budget. But they were still hungry. They ate up mayoral appointees. But they were still hungry. And they’ll probably stay hungry, until one of them cocoons and is reborn as a winged mayor.
- Marching Unit – Krewe of Uranus/Revolution

Float 20 – Pete the Yat Cat
Pete the Yat Cat was hanging out down by the wharf in his glitter shoes. He loved his city and his shoes so much that he sang a song.
"Mississippi water I sip
While I smoke a little nip
My pedigree - well dat’s mixed
And you guessed it, I’ve been fixed.
I’m the prettiest of blues
And I love dem sparkly glittah shoes.”
- Marching Unit – Dead Rock Stars

Float 21 – James & The Giant Peach Daiquiri
Poor little James needs a little drive-through magic —or maybe more than a little! Luckily James found the Giant Peach Daiquiri at New Orleans Original Gluttonies. Looks like he’s in for a BIG adventure.
- Marching Unit – Rolling Elvi

Float 22 – The Berniestain Bears
The Bear family has a guest and the forest is ready for change. Bernie is visiting, mittens and all, and now they are The Berniestain Bears. They’re unionizing the beavers and making the stags, who make up 1% of the forest, pay deerly and cough up some bucks. And of course they are rallying behind the Evergreen New Deal.
- Riding Unit – Kolossos Art Bikes

Float 23 – Oh The Places She’ll Go…or Has Already Been
Yes, she’s off
For a week or a day
She’s off to great places
She’s off and away Her bags are packed
She may be riding first class
She doesn’t care
If some think she’s crass
Because she is the Mayor
She can put on a show
She’s off and away
To the places she’ll go
- Rolling Unit – Marching Unit – Bearded Oysters

Float 24 – It’s Okay to be Madeline
In front of a Washington DC shrine stand twelve protestors in two straight lines.
In two straight lines they make their voices heard
In two straight lines they’ve had their anger stirred
They fight for the good, they scorn the bad
And lately things have made them sad
They shout and cheer but never whine
It’s okay to be MADeline!
- Marching Unit – Sassyracs

Float 25 – Are You My Great-Great-Great Grandmother?
The little bird just got his DNA results back from 2023and me. Now he is searching the cemeteries of New Orleans asking, “Are you my great-great-great-grandmother?”
- Marching Unit – Jamettes

Float 26 – If You Give The Saints a Rookie
If you give the Saints a rookie they are probably going to ask for a quarterback. And if you give the Saints a quarterback they will certainly ask for a kicker. And if you give the Saints a kicker they are going to ask for a better offense. And if you give the Saints a stronger offense they are going to ask for a better defense. And if you give the Saints improved defense, they will insist on better NFL refs. Maybe they just need better NFL refs!
- Marching Unit – Nola Cherry Bombs

Float 27 – Elon and the Terrible, Horrible, Nom Good, Very Bad Days
He went to sleep with $44 billion, successful companies, a great reputation, and a huge following. He woke up, tripped on his ego, bought Twitter, sent some emails, red half the staff and alienated the rest, verified Jesus’ account, reinstated You-Know-Who, banned that other guy, lost a few billion...Elon is having some terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days
- Marching Unit – Broken Heel Social Aid and Pleasure Club

Float 28 – Lyle, Lyle, Are CROCS Really in Style?
Street in New York City in the heart of the fashion world. He is here to say,” Yes, Crocs are really in style“. We just for the life of us don’t understand why.
- Marching Unit – Bloco Seria

Float 29 – Where’s Waldo?
Where’s Waldo? Probably not in Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Arkansas...or St. Tammany Parish these days. We’ve heard he’s been banned, along with Harry Potter, Anne Frank, Charlotte and Wilbur, Tango, Harriet, and many other childhood literary friends. Seems like great works are going up in smoke.
- Marching Unit – Skin-N-Bonez

Float 30 – SIRENS
The Sirens, mythical creatures made famous in works of literature, entice sailors to their doom and destruction. Each year they close out favorite night — and like any good book — we are sad to see it come to an end.
- Volunteers of America Vehicle (Backend Parade Tracking)