Welcome to the 12th Annual Krewe of Muses Parade
The Krewe of Muses was established in the year 2000 and held its first parade in 2001.
This year you will be inspired by 987 riding Muses….the most Muses to ever roll together!
The members of the Krewe of Muses celebrate Mardi Gras revelry, women and the nine Muses of greek Mythology…they celebrate their wildness before they were tamed, their virtues after they were appointed, and their place in the mystique of New Orleans, where each virtue seems to thrive.
Happy are they whom the Muses love!
- Marching Unit – Big Easy Roller Girls
- Band – St Augustine High School
- Marching Unit – Walking Shoes and Butterflies – Exclusive to the Krewe of Muses
Float 1 - The Muses 2012 Officers
- Band – O. Perry Walker High School
- Flambeaux

Float 2 - The Muses Shoe with Honorary Muse Patricia Clarkson
We are honored to have Patricia Clarkson as our first-ever Honorary EveryMuse. She is most deserving of this selection. Her lyrical poetry skills are worthy of Erato and her place in history is set as an Emmy winner for Clio. Melpomene-pleasing in her tender portrayals of women facing tragedy like cancer victim Mia in 'Five', to her dance of love for Terpsichore in 'Cairo Time'. Urania would certainly agree, as do we, she is a star!
Patricia is an Emmy Award-winning and Academy Award-nominated actress who has appeared and starred in countless film, television and theatre productions. After earning a Master of Fine Arts from the Yale School of Drama, she made her Hollywood debut in 1987 as Mrs. Eliot Ness in "The Untouchables", acting opposite Kevin Costner. She has appeared in critically acclaimed films including, "Cairo Time", "The Green Mile" and "Shutter Island"; television shows such as "Six Feet Under"; and theatre productions including, "The Maiden's Prayer" and "A Streetcar Named Desire".
The Honorary Muse recognition project honors women who have proven themselves as role models to the women and girls of New Orleans.
- Band –Xavier Prep High School Marching Band
- Marching Unit – Molly Marines
Float 3 – Mt. Olympus Brass Band (Coolbone)
- Band – Warren Easton Marching Band
Float 4 – The Bathing Muses
- Band – George Washington Carver Sr. High

Float 5 – Title Float – Muses Go Shopping
Get out your credit cards and join the Krewe of Muses for their twelfth parade as…
Muses Go Shopping…taking it to the limit 2012!
We have entered the Mall of the Muses…and I have a feeling we will see some stores we don’t see at Lakeside Shopping Center or Canal Place.
- Band – McDonogh 35 Senior High School

Float 6 - J. Crude
BP executive Tony Hayward doesn’t shop at J Crew…he shops at J Crude....and if you try to purchase oysters here they will likely be...Pearl- less
- Band – Edna Karr High School

Float 7 - Banana Republicans
This store is full these days...as if they were having a sale on tickets to a new base on the moon. It is Banana Republicans!
And right next door is RadioHack…hmm…that salesman looks familiar.
- Band – LB Landry High School

Float 8 - Bourbon Outfitters
If you are looking to buy some big ass beers, over sized beads and hand grenades don’t visit Urban Outfitters…visit Bourbon Outfitters! Today they have a special today on bullet proof vests.
- Band – Sarah T. Reed High School

Float 9 - Crate and Double Barrel
Got some gun-toting friends getting married and need a wedding present? The perfect gift for all your NRA pals can be found at Crate & Double Barrel
- Band – McMain Senior High School

Float 10 - Things Forgotten
Every mall in America seems to have a Things Remembered…the Mall of the Muses has a Things Forgotten.
Memories of olden days and Maison Blanche, Krauss, Newcomb College, McKenzie’s Blackout Cake…
- Band – West Jefferson High School

Float 11 - Bald & Noble
When someone wants to seek a little knowledge he goes book shopping at Barnes & Noble…our beloved Mayor, however, shops at Bald & Noble….
- Band – Walter L. Cohen High School

Float 12 - Forever 44
Every mall in America has a Forever 21….but at the Mall of the Muses we love New Orleans, We love our Saints and our store is Forever 44!
- Band – Martin Berhman Middle
- Horse Unit – Lady Godiva Riding Club

Float 13 - Wombs to Go
When Ricky Martin or Elton John are shopping for a surrogate…or a hot celebrity just doesn’t have time in her schedule for 9 months….they take a little trip down to Wombs to Go!
- Theresa Anderson Float and Band

Float 14 - J.C. Penniless
These days…this may be the most popular store in the mall…JC Penniless. Credit cards not accepted.
- Band – Sophie Wright

Float 15 - Sayless - Foot in Mouth Source
You may have shopped at Sayless, the Shoe Source…but Donald Trump, C. Ray Nagin and Recovery Czar Ed Blakley are shopping at Sayless…the foot in mouth source. And yes we wish they would SAY LESS!
- Marching Unit - High-Steppers and ISL Circus arts
- Band – Martin Luther King Charter School

Float 16 - Airoportal
Going somewhere? On your way to catch your flight you will visit this store…Airoportal….it’s an illuminating experience…
- Marching Unit – Rolling Elvi

Float 17 - Roach
ARGHHHH! The scariest designer label of all…ROACH!
- Drill Team – Pussyfooters

Float 18 - Build an Heir Workshop
It is the store in the Mall of the Muses where the Brits are shopping…in fact William and Kate have been shopping here a lot – under orders of the Queen herself…It’s the Build-an-Heir-Workshop….
- Marching Unit – Camel Toe Lady Steppers & Brass Band

Float 19 - Bed Bath & BeGone
Looking for a little company tonight…and only tonight? Visit this store…Bed, Bath & Begone….though you may regret your purchase in the morning.
- Marching Unit – 610 Stompers

Float 20 - Fossil
What Vintage is He? That’s what your friends will ask after you get out your gold shovel – I mean gold card - and make a purchase at Fossil. Some of these dudes are a bargain!
- Marching Unit – Bearded Oysters and the B.O.M.B

Float 21 - Sharper Image
When Governor Bobby Jindal goes shopping he does it at The Sharper Image…and it trying to buy himself as President…keep shopping Governor.
- Marching Unit – Gris Gris Strut Dance Troupe and Marching Band
Float 22 - Crooks-A-Million
This store is only found in Louisiana Malls….It’s Crooks-A-Million! And boy do they have a lot on sale these days. Is that Jim Letten behind the register!
- Band – Panorama Brass Band and Panoramblers Dance Troupe

Float 23 - Adolescent & Rich
Need to purchase a padded bikini top for your 7 year old? Or buy some Jersey Shore gear? Visit Adolescent & Rich!
- Band – Pink Slip

Float 24 - Circus City
Circus City…this float currently being OCCUPIED by Occupy New Orleans…until they get evicted.
- Band – Mo’lasses

Float 25 - Toys 4 Us
It’s a girl thing….and ladies, if you don’t get it…maybe you should.
- Marching Unit – NOLA Cherry Bombs

Float 26 - Smears
It’s election season and the line is out the door at Smears….THE store for all of your best political smears.! This week they are having the Edwin Edwards special on the Dead Girl/Live Boy combo!

Float 27 - Sirens 2012
As always the Muses parade ends with the Sirens and our Siren is saying what all of the Muses feel…Our Membership has its privileges!
Happy Are They Whom the Muses Love and Happy Mardi Gras!