Welcome to the Krewe of Muses Parade for 2007
Welcome to the Krewe of Muses parade for 2007. Formed in 2000, this will be the 7th ride of the Muses, an all women’s krewe that has quickly charmed the city, becoming a favorite parade for many. Witty themes and amazing throws are promised by the Muses!
Hot throws to look for this year include the return of the plush spear, pink satin sleep masks, puppy beads, fiber optic Muses leaf medallions, light up red shoe beads, the shoe of the year bead, the shoe bracelets, light up slap bracelets, new buttons, Muses footballs, new theme beads, fabulous hand decorated glitter shoes and this year a special throw to look for a limited-edition comic book the Adventures of Super Muse. This year’s cup features the design of Alison Lewis of McMain High School, who won a citywide contest sponsored by the krewe.
Float 1 – The 9 Muses 2007 (Muses Officers)
The Captain and Muses Officers lead the 670 riding members of the Krewe of Muses parade. The entire organization is now over 1300 members strong. The Captain of the Krewe of Muses, Staci Rosenberg, is in the first position on the float. The nine Muses are Clio, the Muse of history, Urania of astronomy, Euterpe of lyric poetry, Polyhymnia of songs to the gods, Melpomene of tragedy, Thalia of comedy, Terpsichore of dance, Calliope of epic poetry, and Erato of love poetry. The float is lit by fiber optic Muse tiles across the front.
- The Butterflies
- St Augustine High School
Honorary Grand Marshal of the Krewe of Muses – Rita Benson LeBlanc
Rita Benson LeBlanc, Owner and Executive Vice President of the Saints, is the woman behind the New Orleans Saints and is being honored for her contribution to our city through her membership in the NFL community, the New Orleans Business Council, Women of the Storm, and United Way. She is the youngest owner in the NFL and one of few women to hold such a prestigious position in the NFL.
Rita has taken an innovative approach in directing the Saint’s marketing development which has led the organization to reach a new record in season-ticket sales in 2006. Her unique approach to government affairs, sales, community relations, and youth programs, makes her stand out in league executive circles.
- The Muses Walking Heads from Crescent City Artists & N. O. Circus School

Float 1a – The Muses Shoe and Honorary Erato — Brenda Marie Osbey
This year, Muses honors Erato, Goddess of Love Poetry. As the embodiment of Erato’s virtues, Muses has chosen a poet who has shown a great love for New Orleans. The honorary Muse is New Orleans—born Brenda Marie Osbey, Louisiana Poet Laureate.
Osbey, who recently received the Louisiana Writers Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Poetry, was appointed poet laureate in 2005. She is currently writer—in—residence at Louisiana State University.
- Xavier Prep High School Marching Band
Float 1b – Mt. Olympus Brass Band (Coolbone)
A Muses favorite gives music to inspire.
- Lady Godiva Horse Unit

Float 2 – The Bathing Muses
Another signature float from the Krewe of Muses…the Bathing Muses have become a Muses tradition and these bathing beauties bubble their way down the avenue each year.
- O. P. Walker High School Marching Band

Float 3 – Title Float – Super Muses
Shortly after Hurricane Katrina and the floods that followed, average New Orleans woman and member of the Krewe of Muses waded through toxic soup to her New Orleans home. Once inside she set to the task of cleaning out her refrigerator. “How bad could it be?” she thought to herself. When she opened the refrigerator (POW!) the volatile mixture of baking soda, champagne, spoiled milk, nail polish and old Chinese food exploded giving her superpowers and making her SUPER MUSE! She has the power to lift tons of debris, super boots give her the ability to fly over BS and red tape and she can even read the minds of politicians. Now she sets out to Save New Orleans and meets a variety of other superheroes and supervillains along the way.
- Warren Easton Marching Band

Float 4 – Wondering Woman
You’ve heard of Wonder Woman – well we have Wondering Woman…wondering if she should send in the troops, wondering if she should veto the bill; wonder if she should put out the fire in her office.

Float 5 – Mighty Mouth
A beloved mild mannered cable executive was transformed during a political accident into Mighty Mouth! “Here I come to speak my mind!” Able to blow funding in a single statement! That’s our Mighty Mouth – busting out of his giant Chocolate Bar! (Nagin famously made a speech stating New Orleans would be chocolate at the end of the day, quoting as Parliament song. Staci hired them to play our Amusement party that year.)
Also featured on this float are the Wonder Twins – taking the form of invisible advisors.
- John McDonogh High School Marching Band

Float 6 – The Conservative Crusaders
Vitterman and Jindalboy are here…men in tights saving the world from men in tights. They are fighting all things liberal. Better hurry Vitterman – someone is about to watch Fahrenheit 911 in your district.

Float 7 – Spyderman and the Punisher
You never know when Spyderman will show up…or if he is already around. He’s using his super powers to keep track of your phone calls and suspicious goings on. And beware of The Punisher.
- East St. John High School

Float 8 – Yatman & Robinette
You’ve heard of Batman and Robin – well down here we have Yatman ova in da parish and Robinette on the radio, fighting red tape and bureaucracy!
Yatman is ‘fightin’ fo da rights of yats da woild ova’ and Robinette is using his mega microphone to challenge the evil Riddler who is armed with stacks of SBA and FEMA paperwork. Of course, there’s our friend, Two—Face who is shouting “open the landfill/close the landfill…let’s cancel Mardi Gras/let’s have Mardi Gras…we need trailers/trailer moratorium.”
Even Commissioner Jordan is getting in on the act…as long as Nightline is not around.

Float 9 – The Fanatic Four
The Fanatic Four live in their white house hideout…they are the Decider, sporting his Mission Accomplished cape, Inquizical woman, The Sting, and the Human torture.
- The Rolling Elvi

Float 10 – Cooperman
Thank goodness Cooperman has arrived – he’s here to save us…one photo op at a time.
- The Ninth Ward Marching Band

Float 11 – Spawn
Future superheroes honing their powers until they are grown – it’s Spawn…children of celebrity breeding. Spawn includes TomKat, Brangelina, and K-Sped, the children of Brittany Spears…whom she is chasing promising to start wearing underwear. Even Michael Jackson’s own “Blanket” is one of Spawn!
- Pink Slip – all female rock band

Float 12 – The Mighty Gore
You’ve heard of the Mighty Thor…well meet the inconvenient truth of the Mighty Gore! He has the amazing power to turn a Power Point presentation into a 2-hour feature film and the ability to put you to sleep.

Float 13 – Stupor Boy and The Flash
Once New Orleans tourists became a rarity, they became heroes to us…that’s Stupor Boy and The Flash…those wild college kids

Float 14 – Ex-Men I
You may have heard of X-Men (with an X) but have you met the Ex-Men (with an EX)? Leave it to an all—female krewe to point them out. We have Magento – you thought he was straight when you married him, Wolverine – the wandering eyed cheater, Cable – he stays home and watches cable all day, and Iceman – not the most warmhearted if you know what we mean.

Float 15 – Ex-Men II
Because we always love a sequel here comes Ex-Men II – Not Re-elected. They are being led by Kimberly Williamson Butler who, after a rocky election season and brief jail visit, has transformed into the Jerk of Court! Beware.
- The Camel Toe Lady Steppers & To Be Continued

Float 16 – El Capitan America
Roofer by day and champion of cheap labor by night – it’s El Capitan America – the newest hero in town. His Hispanic, he’s illegal and he is fighting for the American way!

Float 17 – The ScAvengers
Forget the Avengers – here in New Orleans we have the ScAvengers…dumpster diving heroes. The Scarlet Witch is convincing the National Guard that she belongs there, Hawkeye can spot knick—knacks from miles away, Wonderman has a flair for decorating with found objects and Ironman can sense the value of the copper in a building. It’s the ScAvengers!
- The Bearded Oysters

Float 18 – The Green Hornets
It ain’t easy being green. The Green Hornets have arrived, and their leader George is in town from Oklahoma and pea green with envy over the Saints super successful season! Saints’ owner Tom Benson offers some advice… “Georgie don’t be green – get a betta team!”

Float 19 – Mr. Freeze
Here comes Mr. Freeze and the FBI is hot on his trail. He’s freezing cash, trying to freeze investigations, freezing whatever, he can. And now he has a sidekick…Sheriff Freezo – certain to be there for him in the event of re—election. Hmmmm. Sounds familiar.
- The Big Easy Roller Girls

Float 20 – Judge Dredded
He is judge, he is the jury…he is Judge Dredded…offering outrageously low bail for hardened criminals.

Float 21 – The Incredible Sulk
Don’t make him sad…you wouldn’t like him when he’s sad. The Incredible Sulk…The Engine of Depression. He wanders the devastated neighborhoods of New Orleans looking for antidepressants. Sulk sad…Sulk need cymbalta!
- Mo’lasses

Float 22 – The Just-Us League
The Justice League they ain’t! Meet the Just—Us League. Super Muse will find little help to save New Orleans among this crew, which includes the Profiler, Super Strain, who is busy looking for Dr. Chee—Weez and his sidekick, the Evil Dredlock, the biddy who wants a tax—free city, who is fighting welfare queens and of course the Gretna Police Department.

Float 23 – Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing has a problem…he is vanishing, and it is beyond his control. This must be the work of the evil Oilman and the watery mess that is Mr. Go. Nutria Boy wants to help…but whenever he gets hungry he takes another bite our of poor Swamp Thing.
- The Revolutionary Snake Ensemble

Float 24 – Sirens
The Sirens float, a Muse tradition, has been redesigned this year. The float features Super Muse, and she is reminding us all that “You have the Power to Save New Orleans!” This is your duty as the hero in each of us saves the city we all call home. Volunteer! Work together! Together we can thrive!